
Specific types of pruning may be necessary to maintain a mature tree in a healthy, safe, and attractive condition..


Crown Cleaning

Removal of dead, dying, diseased, crowded, weakly attached, and low-vigor branches from the crown of a tree. The outward appearance of the tree is affected very little.

Crown Restoration

Training and thinning sprouts after storm damage or topping to bring the tree back to proper form. It must be done gradually over several years in order to be effective.


Reduces the size of a tree, often for clearance for a house or utility lines. Recommended not to exceed 25-30% of canopy depending on species. Also reduction can be for reducing weight on longer branches over a structure to reduce risk of failure.


Mostly for young to middle aged trees. Reducing or removing one of two or more competing dominant leads to allow one to have dominance. Reduces union failures when mature. It is a very species-specific technique.

Crown Raising

Removes the lower branches from a tree in order to provide clearance for buildings, vehicles, pedestrians, and vistas.


Selective removal of branches to increase light penetration and air movement through the crown. Thinning opens the foliage of a tree, and helps retain the tree’s natural shape. Over thinning can be very damaging to the tree based on species.

Structural Pruning

Mostly for young to middle aged trees. Removing weak or duplicating branches and often training to a central leader to give the tree a solid foundation for future growth.

Tree Climbers Tree Services

Resistograph Testing

A tool that can measure the strength and soundness of the tree with little to no damage while still alive and standing. It can identify and record internal decay conditions if they are present and remaining sound wood percentage.

A tree risk assessment is a formal assessment done by a qualified individual using an industry-standard metric to quantify levels of risk both likelihood of failure and consequences of failure. There are three levels of risk assessments depending on the condition of the tree, site, and any additional information needed. It is accompanied by a report of the findings and risk mitigation options. To remain qualified, an individual must retest every five years and maintain necessary prerequisite certifications.

Download the Tree Hazard Checklist

Cabling and Bracing

Installing supplemental support systems for weak or damaged high value trees to prolong life and safety.

Lightning Protection

Installing air terminals and ground cables to redirect a lightning strike on high value or vulnerable trees.

An Air Spade uses supersonic air in high volumes to safely remove excess or aerate soil that may have been compacted or grade raised without damaging roots. Typically we use the Air Spade to expose the roots without damage and make surgical cuts only where needed. Reasons for root pruning are to correct girdling roots or to avoid torn roots when soil excavation must be done close to the root zone.

Tree Climbers Tree Services
Tree Climbers Tree Services
Tree Climbers Tree Services
Tree Climbers Tree Services

Like all living things trees can eventually die or become a major safety hazard, which requires safe removal.

Tree Climbers Tree Services
Tree Climbers Tree Services
Tree Climbers Tree Services
Tree Climbers Tree Services

We typically grind 5-7” deep and rake the grindings back over the hole. Grindings can be removed for an additional cost.
We grind after the work area is cleared by the utility locate that it is safe to do so.

Pre construction planning is a huge factor in if the trees will survive after building. Setting aside adequate tree protection zones and ensuring construction crews respect the protection zones are another major factor among others.