Bonded and Insured
We are covered with tree care specific general liability commercial vehicle, and workers comp insurance on all employees that far exceeding the state minimums. Make sure you get proof of proper insurance coverage not just insurance. There is a big difference. Here are a few pointers to look for.
General Liability is coverage for if something is damaged on your property. Make sure the policy is a tree work policy and not a landscaper policy. Generally, landscaper policies will cover only if the tree is less than 15ft tall.
Workers Compensation covers employees if they were to get hurt on the job. In Arkansas, it is generally legal to not cover subcontract employees (if there are less than two). While this is common and legal it means the homeowners, insurance can be liable for any injuries sustained on their property. Make sure you get a certificate that shows no excluded persons and verify from the agent that the policy covers aerial work. Workers comp insurance is very expensive for aerial work and some companies will again use the less expensive landscaper option that does not cover aerial work.
Commercial vehicle covers if one of the Company vehicles damages another vehicle, structure, person, etc.
Tree Climbers is Arkansas only TCIA Accredited company.
TCIA Accreditation is an exhaustive 63 point, on site, audit that checks all aspects of the company that they are following all standards as well as best management practices. The auditor checks for proper insurance coverages, tax and OSHA reporting, employee training, safety protocols, vehicle and equipment maintenance, as well as many other areas. Click here for more information on the TCIA website.
What do the certifications mean?

ISA Certified Arborist: Is someone who has documented a minimum three years of experience in the industry and passed a 200-question exam on aspects of tree work ranging from biology to safety. After achieving certification one must recertify every three years with a minimum of 30 continuing education units (CEUs). It is administered by the International Society of Arboriculture.
ISA Tree Worker Climber Specialist: Is someone who has documented 18 months of full time climbing experience, passed a 65-question exam on climbing safety and tree biology, and passed a 16 point live skills exam. After achieving certification one must recertify every three years with minimum of 15 CEUs.
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist: Is the highest credential available in the industry. It is only available to Certified arborists with a minimum number of experience points which generally equates to being a certified arborist for eight or more years. The exam is 180 case study type questions in 19 domains. Once certified one must recertify every three years with a minimum of 20 science related CEUs, 20, Practice based CEUs, and 20 management based CEUs.
ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification: Is available to Certified Arborists in good standing. It consists of a two-day workshop of tree defects, growth patterns, risk factors, and quantification of factors to arrive at a tree risk rating. After the two days one must pass a written and in-field examination. Once qualified one must retest every five years.
Certified Tree Care Safety Professional (CTSP). It is the only safety trainer and auditor credential in the industry. It is available to someone with three years documented experience in the industry and one year in a safety related role. It consists of a two-day workshop on leadership, hazard control and prevention, incident control and prevention, adult learning, and safety standards. One must pass an exam at the end of the workshop. Once certified one must recertify every three years with a minimum of 30 CEUs in professional development, training others, and new safety program development.
Arkansas Applicators license: Is administered by the Arkansas state plant board. It is required for anyone to apply chemicals commercially whether a license is needed to purchase the chemical or not. It is also required to purchase certain chemicals. It has various aspects based on the type of application, equipment used, and types of chemicals applied. The company must have certification as well as the individual applicator.
City of Fayetteville Licensed Pruner: City of Fayetteville Requires anyone performing tree work in city limits to pass a general knowledge exam and provide proof of general liability insurance.
Full time employees are also certified in CPR and first aid training.